Umbrella prints - entry #3
For my third entry I have for you a moleskine notebook decorated with a Boab tree and Kapok flowers (Cochloprerum fraseri). I was totally enthralled by the Kimberley when we visited there 3 years ago. So this is my homage to the remote Kimberley region of north-west Australia. The leaves are pieces of Umbrella prints Fanflower fabric.
Give me colour...
You know when your life just doesn't feel quite right? Like you aren't making the right choices or priorities? I feel like that right now.
I'm finally losing the post baby weight and feeling more comfortable with my body size (which I'm over the moon about) but it's at the gym - and I don't really like being there. I'm not sure I need machines, televisions and pump classes. I really really miss my lovely old Yoga centre in Perth. I'll have to find somewhere new to go where I feel peaceful.
Plus I so need to tick off some chores like doing the tax (it's a big one this year) and all the paperwork housekeeping stuff which is cluttering my brain right now. So I can move on to expressing myself on paper. I've got some artwork busting to get out!!
I also need more colour in my life. I've been choosing paint colours in boring creams and tans for our house because I wanted a "blank canvas" to put artwork up on, but now I'm thinking... that's wrong. We need more colour!!
I'm finally losing the post baby weight and feeling more comfortable with my body size (which I'm over the moon about) but it's at the gym - and I don't really like being there. I'm not sure I need machines, televisions and pump classes. I really really miss my lovely old Yoga centre in Perth. I'll have to find somewhere new to go where I feel peaceful.
Plus I so need to tick off some chores like doing the tax (it's a big one this year) and all the paperwork housekeeping stuff which is cluttering my brain right now. So I can move on to expressing myself on paper. I've got some artwork busting to get out!!
I also need more colour in my life. I've been choosing paint colours in boring creams and tans for our house because I wanted a "blank canvas" to put artwork up on, but now I'm thinking... that's wrong. We need more colour!!
Illustration Friday - Sour
I'm loving this brown paper! I thought I'd try my hand at a pattern. White conte pencil and coloured pencil on brown recycled paper. And Photoshop.
I love to eat lemons. Yes, I know that's kind of wierd but it was actually the first "real food" that I ate as a baby. A relative thought it would be funny to see my reaction, I actually liked it and still eat them if they are garnish on my plate or drink!
Illustration Friday - Seed
Inspire Me Thursday - My Comfort Zone
Coloured pencil over watercolour background.
Coloured pencil is a medium that I am fairly comfortable with, watercolour I am not.... I did this drawing several years ago, I haven't done that much drawing of late. I have been focusing on painting with acrylics and watercolours. Maybe I should start drawing again...
Coloured pencil is a medium that I am fairly comfortable with, watercolour I am not.... I did this drawing several years ago, I haven't done that much drawing of late. I have been focusing on painting with acrylics and watercolours. Maybe I should start drawing again...