Last weeks topic was about being in our
comfort zone. This week it's about expanding your comfort zone. I'm not confident with watercolours but I am having a good go with them lately... Here are some fish paintings in watercolour destined for the baby's room. These fish are varieties that inhabit the local West Australian waters. The one on the right is a Scribbled Angelfish, I'm not sure about the ones on the left.

I thought about this topic using the related articles and pretty much came up with some more new years resolutions! Here are some ways I can expand my comfort zones... I made a list of things that I put off doing or am afraid of doing. Goals that would make me happy or proud if I achieved them.
start donating bloodstop procrastinatingfinish the baby’s quiltvisit some neighboursjoin some mother’s groups write / draw in a paper journalorganize my artworkslearn to speak Italianstudy watercolour paintingenter an art showtry advertising with postcards / presstaste – cook some Indian foodread newspapers online